Photo Apr 11, 4 19 12 PM.jpg

Two years in the making and my dream has come true!

My vision was to taste, enjoy, and smoke every cigar I possibly could and I was able to accomplish that vision.

We currently have cigars that have been crafted after my family and I.

Don Jose’ named after my father, the strong hardworking blue collar man (Strong and peppery).

Don Pedro named after my grandfather, the business man and money hustler (petite creamy smooth).

Don Felicitó named after my grandfather, a hardworking blue collar family man (strong medium body smooth).

Don Jose Segundo named after me, a blue collar hardworking and family oriented (Maduro strong and smooth cigar).

El Gigante was named after my famous 4th cousin. El Gigante de Carolina Felipe Birriel was known for his large stature of 7’6”